

Mark Mitchell

  Send Email  •  (989)352-7788

Is the full time pastor and spiritual leader, that guides and protects this congregation, for Christ.

Administrative Assistant

Ron Kinsey

  Send Email  •  (989)352-7788

Manages the day to day business and use of the church, three days a week. Monitors the facility and grounds for congregation safety. Maintains the records for the church and requirements of the conference and other entities.

Office Assistant

Kathy Matthews

  Send Email  •  (989)352-7788

Assists with management of the church office, and works with the pastor and administrative assistant, two days a week.

Christian Ed. Director

Missy Williams

  Send Email  •  (989)352-7788

Provides leadership for educational needs in Sunday morning services, Wednesday evening events, VBS, and other special events, such as with kids to camp.

Custodial Maintenance

Nick Armock


Maintains a clean environment for the various uses of the church, and handles various tasks and event setups, as required.